Tuesday, June 1, 2010


This book, The No-Cry Separation Anxiety Solution by Elizabeth Pantley looks awesome! While I hope I never have to work full time, I remember when Riley was 12mos old and I returned to work part time I sure could have used some extra pointers. Riley did great, we survived and she grew a very strong bond with her Daddy after those months of evenings and weekend mornings with him..But I'm all for more tools in my tool box. So I'm posting this for the chance to win all of Elizabeth Pantleys No-Cry books.

I got some awesome tips in her No Cry Sleep Solution book when Riley was a baby, it didn't fully "work" for us. RJ was not sleeping through the night after several weeks of logging and following her suggestions. But my quality of sleep was better, nursing sessions were shorter and easier. And I really think Riley transitioned into different things much easier because of the ideas I incorporated. I suggest it to any one who is considering "cry it out" for their baby...As well as "Night Time Parenting" by Dr Sears, it revolutionized how my husband and I view sleep.

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